Discourse as a sponsor on the website

Hello all :slight_smile:,

Discourse is now an official sponsor on the website. The logo is now on the homepage.

Also, the Community page has been updated: The Forum Section replaces the Mailing-Lists Section.


Probably the links in the forum section needs to updated to discourse then. It currently links to http://users.hoa-project.net/ .

And nice to see @Hoa moving.

Hello @harikt,

users.hoa is the “canonical” URL to access to discourse. This is a redirection so far.

Oh strange probably I didn’t clicked it or it didn’t redirected me ( I don’t recall for now ) . Looks good for now .

Thank you for the explanation.

By the way link to discourse is wrong :slight_smile: . http://www.discourse.org/phpstorm/

Update : Recalled website is on github . So PR https://github.com/hoaproject/W3/pull/105

Good catch! PR has been merged and deployed. Thank you very much :thumbsup:.

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