Hoa Foundation subscriptions

10€ per month looks good to me too.

  • We have 50€/year for the 3 domains: hoa-project.net, hoa.io, and hoa-project.com,
  • We have fees for events, around 100€ per year because we are always finding sponsors or we cry to conf’ organizers,
  • We have around 500€ fees for Apex only because sponsors help.
  • Hosts should cost 50-150€/year, but it’s covered by sponsors once again, but we would like to move to something better, let’s consider 200€/year.

That’s a total of 1000€/year. We could estimate to start with 10 members for the foundation, so with a subscription at 10€, it covers 10% of our fees. We continue with the sponsors (so no new hosting), it’s better but not enough.

Maybe A way of support and issue following will help.

What about 12€/year ?