Hoa Virtual Meeting


  • Ivan Enderlin (hywan)
  • Alexis von Glasow (ashgenesis)
  • Pierre Tomasima (pierozi)
  • Matthieu Codron (circlecode)


Numbers (5 millions) Roadmap RFC Hoa Apex PHP 7.1 Container-Interop Hoa\Http


5,189,797 downloads 1952 stargazers 675 forks


What do you think of the new roadmap


RFC 58, everyone is OK, but we must be compatible with PHPDoc

RFC 52, everyone is OK, but we should be able to add a link from one example to another one, or to support links between code. A standalone tool would be better

RFC 62, the library is already implemented (https://github.com/Pierozi/HoaHeap), we must move this RFC as ready as soon as possible

RFC 51 & 53 & 61, please we need feedbacks!

Hoa Apex

No update from Belgium

No update from Reims

We need to find another place

A report has been proposed to September, 2017

PHP 7.1

See discussion Drop PHP 5.5 in favor PHP 7.1

We drop PHP 5.x in favor or PHP 7.1, we skip PHP 7.0. Everyone agrees


We had several contributions to integrate Hoa into frameworks, like Symfony, but no one to maintain them

PSR-11 can be a very nice opportunity (https://github.com/container-interop/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/container.md)

Contact Matthieu Napoli

We can find some synergy between PSR-11 and Hoa: We commit to maintain all bridges with PSR-11, and we can offer an “experimention”


We need to do something with this library. Pierre or I will start a pre-RFC on users.hoa-project.net