Hoa Virtual Meeting


Thanks for the report. Sorry for my absence.

Discuss about the possibility to create a slack for hoa as a lot of contributors already use it

What’s the issue with IRC right now? What motivates your choice of using Slack? Gitter channel was down for a moment, we have to restore it, don’t know what happened here. I think @Grummfy is working on it.

Discuss about continue to integrate Hoa to symphony with bundle and how we can be more usable with other frameworks (see PSR-11, PSR-7)

Agree, but we have more important work right now regarding the next big release for Hoa. If anyone would like to drive this project, I’m 100% with her/him. Please, consider writing an RFC.

Discuss about adding more tutorial to integrate Hoa in other framework or tools.

Can we have more precisions? What do you have in mind?

Discuss about old Pull Request still open and not reviewed need more code review.

I consider that’s my fault… Maybe we should freeze an entire month to rush on these issues… like a spike, thoughts?

We need to communicate more about the evolution of what we do on library. Not necessary a bit article. Shulard can help to write some little article and we can publish it on reddit.

Agree. Please, open a thread on Discourse to discuss about that, cc @shulard.

All agreed to found a better solution or create one to help to organize Virtual Meeting and automatically send message when a date is defined.

We can create an account on fruux.com, and anyone could subscribe to the calendar. Thoughts?

Which tools we need for principal repository?

What do you mean?

On which server we can host it? Do we need to use another tools than gitolite to host our git repositories? (Need Hywan feedback)

OK. So basically, here is the situation. CleverCloud is ready to sponsor Hoa by offering a service for the website (W3.git, kind of), and another service for the ElasticSearch instance. About Git repositories, CleverCloud does not support Gitlab yet. I’m opening a new thread to discuss about that […] done: New hosting strategy.

We can create an account to help the association received donation. Hywan, we need your confirmation, we all are agreed to create an account.

Agree to use OpenCollective. They pick 10% of the transaction, but at least we have something to receive donations easily, so let’s go.

Did I miss something :-)?

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