Creating a live support each 2 months


I have just seen that a youtube channel for kubernetes, which answer questions from final user.

And I thought maybe we can do this also, as we already do some virtual meeting. I guess we can also do one virtual meeting but with end users. It’s not needed to have a regular meeting but, just 1 hour each 2 month for example to be available when users have questions and we can answering.

What do you think ?

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The idea is attractive, but I don’t think we will have enought resources (aka humans) for that.

Everyone is already able to join an Hoa Virtual Meeting (despites they are in French so far). But maybe for sponsors (through open collective), we can schedule a dedicated time for live support, with everyone able to watch it freely?

yep, it could be better to propose a support for sponsors. I think we need to create a little topic about it on open collective and also a blog post for it.